

May sunshine and flowers

After a long and dreary winter and a delayed spring, it seems that summer has taken us all by surprise. Now the days are long and lazy, the older I get the more I want to slow down and take time to smell the roses. 

This year I decided to introduce some lupins into my garden, after being inspired by the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. I have been careful to include some organic slug deterrents which I hope will be wildlife friendly but keep the slugs away. They are made from woollen pellets and are said to make an itchy and scratchy hostile environment for slugs and snails... we shall see!

Work has been focussed on creating images for Victoria Magazine, this month the theme was France and so I enjoyed painting summer garden images. You can find a new print of the garden cat in my Etsy shop Acornmoon, link in my sidebar.

It has been a time for long country walks, wild flower spotting and listening to bird song. The bluebells have been spectacular this year.

I even managed to complete a new miniature portrait of our granddaughter. Watercolour on Kelmscott vellum. It was a labour of love!