

Walking with Ted

As I have enjoyed visiting my guests' blogs and glimpsing everyday life in countries near and far, I thought you might like to join Ted and I on our morning walk. You will need your Wellington boots and a winter coat today as it's a bit chilly and damp under foot.

Within a stone's throw of our door lies a couple of fields of fallow land. The path you see in the photograph has been fashioned by feet; dogs, people, rabbits and foxes have all helped to keep the path closely cropped. The middle of the path is mainly grass and tiny clover leaves, on the margin the plants grow longer and more luxuriant; buttercups, clovers, vetches give way to ox-eye daisies, ragwort, thistles and grasses Every day is different, the fields team with life as the wild and diverse plant species attract many varieties of birds, animals and butterflies. The path reminds me of an embroidery and the field - a firework display, in the sense that one beautiful display is replaced by another spectacle throughout the year.

We often see toads and frogs, not today - we found huge, black slugs enjoying the damp grass. On the bindweed tiny banded snails clung onto the tendrils and leaves. One summer Ted came across a grass snake and adders have been spotted near the stream.

I don't normally take my camera with me which is just as well, everywhere I look there is something wonderful to photograph, very distracting and time consuming when there is work to be done!