


We have just returned from a weekend trip to London to assist our eldest son move accommodation. This entailed lugging box after box of books, kitchen utensils, computers, bedding etc up five flights of stairs. I know, I counted them. Also, on the agenda was a hospital visit to see a loved one so we did not have much time for sightseeing.

We did however manage to see this amazing exhibition at The Royal Academy and if you haven’t seen it already, hurry because it finishes soon. It is the kind of exhibition that overwhelms you with riches, precious illuminated manuscripts, jewellery, religious icons and triptychs carved in ivory, so breathtaking in their beauty, it is hard to convey the workmanship and artistry that has gone into their creation.

Cameras were not allowed but I did manage to photograph the exhibition poster, which shows the Icon of the Archangel Michael. This is silver gilt on wood, gold cloisonné, enamel and precious stones. I also came away with an enormous exhibition catalogue, as if I had not done enough lugging for one weekend!