

Spotlight on Sweet Tidings

Over the next few weeks I hope to shine a little light on some of the wonderful bloggy places and people that I have come across recently in order to share with you inspiration. It is a constant source of delight to me just how individual each blog is both in content and appearance.

As I have now begun to amass a good selection of fabrics, mostly samples from my quilt collections, I have been naturally drawn to the crafters who sew and quilt. Also, for the first time in my life, I have a room where I can leave my sewing machine set up without having to tidy everything away. Yes, there are some advantages to being an empty nester!

My first port of call is Sweet Tidings, this creative lady resides in the Philippines, and the thing I love about her blog the most is her sense of style. She is also something of a philosopher and apart from having a multitude of interesting links, this week wabi-sabi, she also has a craft supply shop called Happy Handmades. I have a terrible addiction to craft books and anything Japanese so when I saw her book on Zakka crafts I had to have it.

The first photograph shows how beautifully she wrapped my book and the second shows one of her sewn creations. There is always something to make me smile on her site, why don’t you pop over and say hi?