

Mouse ears and cobwebs.

I have spent the last few weeks getting work ready to send to Surtex. This is a trade fair which is held in New York and is an important event in the calendar of any surface pattern or stationery designer. I have exhibited my work there for many years now but this year I am sending my artwork with my agent. I know just how stressful an exhibition like this can be and feel relieved that I will be spared most of the hard work. However, there is a part of me that would like nothing better than to hop on the next flight and join in the fun.

It has not been possible for me to show new work on this blog because of copyright restrictions so I hope you will not mind too much if I show you previously published pieces? The piece that I am posting today is another illustration from my book "Down the Lane" and it shows a hedgehog shuffling through dew covered grasses and flowers. The little white flowers are commonly called mouse ears and are here in abundance at the moment in the hedgerows. It has also been a good month for violets which have spread in every little nook and cranny in my garden. I think the new grass must taste very sweet because my dog has been eating lots of it, I hope he is not going to throw up! I can't work out if this is an attempt at self medication or maybe he has something missing in his diet? It seems that other dogs do the same, particularly at this time of the year.