

And the winner is.... and an Invitation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner to my first ever blog giveaway. The first name out of the mug (for want of a hat), selected by my husband is Nettie from a quilt is nice. Congratulations to Nettie and thank you for everyone else for taking part.

And now for the invitation:- After reading about Elizabeth's idea from (About New York) on Weaver of Grass's blog about "Plate Friday" I suggested that perhaps "Mug Monday" might be fun. This idea has rather gathered momentum with lots of eager bloggers keen to show off their special mugs. It seems that many of us get an emotional attachment to a certain mug, the one pictured above is my husband's favourite mug which I bought for him at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, made in Portugal, so you see we are not completely Anglophile!

The date has been set for Monday 22nd June, if you want to participate and would like me to keep track of blogs taking part you can send me an email or leave me a comment, and I will post the list next Monday, that way you can get to see other peoples mugs. I think that Pat from Weaver of Grass will also post a little invitation.