

My heart is like a singing bird.

Illustration taken from "White is the Moon"

“My heart is like a singing bird” from the poem “A Birthday” by Christina Rossetti best describes how I feel right now as we prepare for Easter. This year we hope to also celebrate my husband’s birthday together with four generations of our family.

You may have noticed the addition of a link to “White is the Moon” in my sidebar. This children’s picture book was one I first worked on when our boys were little, now we have a grandson old enough to read it, albeit with his own hilarious adaptation. “Once there was a fish and the fish was called Seymour” and “Pink is the pie” has replaced “Pink is the crab” after he saw it had a close resemblance to a cheese and onion pie! I am waiting for samples to arrive, of the book that is, not the pie. When I have them I will do a giveaway.

We have also been enjoying unbelievably sunny March days; warm enough to sit in the garden in tee shirts and jeans. Ted the dog has been treated to extra long country walks, making the most of the weather before it changes back to cold and grey.
The woodland near home is carpeted with wood anemones and shining stars of celandine, birdsong fills the air, in particular the very lovely music of the song thrush, blackbird and yellow hammer.
Grandson George can be seen proudly wearing his Easter Bonnet, made with help from his clever mum.

The lovely little embroidered bird is from Chloe Redfern, a mixed media artist who has an Etsy shop called Slightly Triangle. Her decorations are absolutely delightful.

I have been painting daffodils for my portfolio, maybe to end up on a paper napkin or greeting card one day? Sometimes it is nice just to work for the sheer pleasure of painting from life.

I hope your Easter days are filled with sunshine and birdsong too.