

Long live Manchester

I have no words to express my heartbreak and pride in our city of Manchester. A place so entwined in my life, a city of industry, hard work and creativity. The place I went to as a child for shopping trips, for new "rig outs" and visits to cinemas, theatres and restaurants. As a teenager, Manchester was all about discotheques and bright lights and the place I met the love of my life. Manchester, the place I studied art and lived for five years. Later, the place to visit family and friends, the city to take our children and now grandchildren to football matches, libraries, theatres, restaurants, street markets, festivals, galleries and shops.

Now Manchester is slowly coming to terms with the horror of an appalling and cowardly terrorist attack that has devastated so many young lives and families.

The bee has always been the symbol of the city and like the bee the people are slowly but surely working together and finding ways to rebuild their shattered lives with courage and tenacity. I am proud to say I stand by Manchester.