

The Royal Miniature Society's 125th Anniversary Exhibition

Yesterday we travelled down to London for the day to see the RMS exhibition at The Mall Gallery. I had entered seven paintings and was delighted to have all paintings accepted for the show. I was delighted to learn that I had won two awards. 

The first award was the Society's award for the best collection of five or more works. I entered a set of six gilded bird paintings which I had been working on earlier in the year. 

The second award was an Honourable Mention for the Golden Memorial Bowl. This was for my painting Wren with Ivy, shown above.

It was lovely to meet up with friends old and new and to see close up all the wonderful miniature exhibits.

The exhibition runs until December 5th, details are on the Society's website. Entry is free but you need to book a ticket.

Most of the paintings are for sale and would make the most beautiful gifts, also on sale are greetings cards featuring the artworks of our members. Please visit if you are able, I think you would be entranced.