"May the roof above us never fall in and may the friends gathered below it never fall out."
I came across this lovely Irish blessing and thought it would be appropriate to share it with you. The new year makes us reflect on what is important in our lives and friendship, family and home have to be at the top of the list.
The designs featured here are part of a group of four which I created this time last year for a major high street retailer. They are part actual cross stitch and part digital and were great fun to do.
We have had a very busy Christmas and have enjoyed having our family and friends around. Many of them are in the process of moving house, through a variety of reasons including work, downsizing etc. So many of us find ourselves putting down roots in places which are unfamiliar, it has made me reflect on the meaning of home. I suppose I agree with the old saying "Home is where the heart is" and for the moment at least my heart is right here, in the misty, moisty and oh so muddy part of the North West of England. This year I have not made any resolutions, last year I wanted to spend more time outside and then it rained for nine months! I would like to try to spend more time painting and making artist books instead of fiddling around on this computer. Speaking of which, I have finally worked out how to add a page. Can you see it above? "Artist Books" is a work in progress. Happy Days.